Casper Skulls - Roddy Piper
Directed by Curtis Carriere and Jordan Vandenberg (Goodscreen Media) and Casper Skulls
Edited by Curtis Carriere and Jordan Vandenberg (Goodscreen Media)
Scorpion: Oli Palkovits
Mileena: Chanelle Albert
Sub-Zero: Andy Mckenzie
Edited by Curtis Carriere and Jordan Vandenberg (Goodscreen Media)
Scorpion: Oli Palkovits
Mileena: Chanelle Albert
Sub-Zero: Andy Mckenzie
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Twitter: casper_skulls
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What’s better than a runaway truth
And lips too lazy to capture it?
The vagaries of your whisper
And smiles shown to fracture it
What’s better than a runaway truth
And lips too lazy to capture it?
The vagaries of your whisper
And smiles shown to fracture it
Choking on the generic
Mirrored by horde minds
Mirrored by horde minds
Not a word I’m taking over
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight
Face down in the palms of writ
Picking through the sifter
Sound wave of a vengeful plight
Calling on the clatter
Picking through the sifter
Sound wave of a vengeful plight
Calling on the clatter
Choking on the generic
Mirrored by horde minds
Mirrored by horde minds
Not a word I’m taking over
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight
Not a word I’m taking over
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight
Will you spit me your disguise?
Put on a show like Roddy Piper
And invite me to the fight